Friday, November 4, 2016

Day 4: Papaya!

I was going to hit the local beach and paint this afternoon but discovered the batter on my car was dead. A door had been accidentally left cracked open... for three days. I was very frustrated, but unpacked my painting supplies and went back inside to find something worth painting. I settled on a papaya a friend of mine gave us this week as a gift. Turned out to be my best painting yet in the series.

I like that you can still see the head of a screw sticking out of my scrap wood "canvas."

I will be putting together a "week 1" video this evening and hope to post that soon.


Mary said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Chris said...

Awesome blog. I came over here from your regular, Survival Garden blog. I know what you mean by occasionally updating an art blog. It's been on my mind to get back into mine, but regular property and family work always comes first. I seem to run out of time.

Glad you're doing your own art challenge. They really shake things up and you inevitably develop new techniques. Or at least, you learn to appreciate them, once they get out on the page.

I have an art blog too, at: