Friday, January 17, 2014

How about we bring this thing back to life? is rocking along... yet I've been neglecting my other passion: art.

The last few weeks I've been doing a lot of painting.

Recently, I bought a bunch of oil paint and supplies from a friend. His wife, Ana Lesswing, (who was also a friend of mine) was an artist and art teacher. Two years ago, God decided to take her home after a long battle with cancer. Now, with some sadness, I have most of her paints, canvases and tools.

Something about "inheriting" these supplies from such a vivacious and non-stop artist has given me a boost. I realized how much I've been missing in my life by simply pursuing work and gardening without feeding my love of the visual arts.

So, without much ado, I'm kicking this blog off again.

I'll be sharing my own art and the work of others, plus book reviews and inspiration from other sources.

Let's start with a song, shall we?

See you all again soon.

1 comment:

George G said...

I really love that Bob Ross song.
Kept playing it over again.